In 2000, in response to the conflict that happened on the island of Maluku, we, some brothers and sisters from GII Azusa and Rev. Stephanus Theophilus, got together to talk about what we could do to help those affected by the conflict. At around the same time, we also learned that a pastor-friend of ours was coming back to the United States permanently. So, in that initial meeting we talked about what we could do to help those in need especially those in Indonesia and how we could support the ministry of this pastor-friend of ours.
Out of that meeting we decided to form a non-profit organization to achieve these goals and to involve more people who wish to take part in this ministry. Officially on January 2nd, 2001 we started and named this ministry, Shepherd of Your Soul, referring to Jesus as Our Great Shepherd (1 Peter 2:25). We believe that the only way we can be effective shepherds to others is to follow Our Great Shepherd, to enjoy His love and care, and to learn from His wisdom and guidance.
As we look back today, more than two decades later, we cannot help but be amazed by how God has guided and blessed this ministry. By His grace and direction, Shepherd of Your Soul, which has a streamlined bureaucracy and no red tape, has been able to run with 0 (zero) operation cost. This has enabled us to channel 100% of the donations received to the intended recipients. Over the years we have been able to funnel funds to various ministries such as building churches and supporting local churches, orphanages, and a hospital in the interior of Kalimantan, providing the scholarship from kindergarten to college and seminarian as well, along with a host of other needs. Even though we do not solicit funds, God has blessed us and as a result, we have been able to share His blessings with those in need.
Soli Deo Gratia.